Saturday, May 15, 2010

Elephants are coming!

I have to chuckle at myself...I look into my fabric closet and am overwhelmed by how much I have accumulated in a relatively short period of time. I think to myself that I will not buy any more fabric and try and make stuff from the ever-expanding stash. So, since I did just add a few more yards to the stash, I thought I should get sewing. I pulled out a pattern I was anxious to try out and decided that I was going to make two! One for each dd. That ought to get some fabric used up.....yeah, about an eighth of a yard. Doubt I could of found a project that required less fabric! HA! Oh well, my dd's have enjoyed them and I finished them up quick enough to spend some time outside with my kids!

Here is the first elephant. This is a Heather Bailey pattern.

It is a cute little stuffed animal (or pincushion). I used some of the Heather Bailey fabric that I had purchased to make these cute little guys.

I purchased the eyes for these guys from an etsy seller called 6060.
Well, all in all, I had fun making these and my girls love them!
I have been thinking a lot about my current wardrobe and the types of clothes that I like to wear. I really am mostly a knit kind of person for my tops and casual shorts, capris or pants/jeans for the bottoms. I wouldn't mind a casual skort to add to my wardrobe. I really like a lot of the clothes on Athleta. I have a hard time finding patterns that would fit these styles, so I keep thinking that I need start doing some pattern manipulation or drafting. Just thinking about it. Any of you ever used any pattern drafting software? Well, that is it for now!
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michal said...

these elephants are so cute! I love the fabric you chose for them!

Cindy said...

The elephants are adorable!